Tom Swallow

Hi, I’m Tom Swallow. Having given two of my most successful years to writing, I’ve focused much of my attention on sustainable practices and their alignment with global and corporate agendas. This is mainly due to my love for the natural environment and all the benefits that come with it—my work with sustainability-related content platforms and magazines catalyzed this. 

The journey started from the bottom in March 2021; my path as an Editor has become intertwined among digital publications and pieces relating to various commercial areas ever since, including digital technology, supply chains, and energy. However, my heart lies in the conversations around climate change and social impact, and with the ambition to achieve great things through my work, I look to share the stories of individuals and organizations that are supporting these unquestionably critical causes.

The sustainability discussion shouldn’t resemble doom and gloom but should act as a means of celebrating global triumphs and sharing innovation that reshapes and recharges the planet for a cleaner future without compromise. For those of you invested in climate action, I’m here to discuss what the future looks like for your business and all of the stakeholders that interact with it.

Tom Swallow, Sustainability Writer